we love sharing stories about our people 

Everybody loves a good story, especially when it’s TRUE!

We take great joy and pride in sharing real life stories about BIM members. These are stories that inspire us, stories that can bring a smile to your face, stories from people just like you and me.

We invite you to learn more below.

BIM Fitness members Tim and Jani S. smiling after workout

Deputy Jared kramme’s story

Eighteen months ago, Deputy Jared Kramme decided to make a lifestyle change and lose weight. Through strength training at BIM Fitness and adjusting his caloric intake and monitoring his diet, Jared transformed himself, losing 55 pounds and counting!

The “before” photo was the beginning of his journey. The “after” photo was 12 months later and the third photo celebrates his latest progress.

We’re proud not only to call Jared a member, but also to celebrate and share his success!

It’s been a complete lifestyle change for me and sharing my story motivates and inspires me to keep working at it.

Jared Kramme