multi-purpose machines

In the way that multi-tasking as a concept has become popular in the workplace, multi-purpose machines have become popular in the gym. Racks, rigs and cable jungles all have one thing in common, you can configure them to allow for multiple exercises on the same machine. 

multi-jungle/cable jungle 1

This is one of our most popular machines at BIM Fitness because it accommodates multiple functions along with multiple exercisers at the same time.

Chances are that whenever you come in, you’ll find someone working out on this machine.

This cable jungle from Life Fitness part one of a MJ8. Life Fitness’ trademarked Cable Motion™ Technology employs user-defined paths of motion allowing for almost endless ways to exercise and build strength.

This cable jungle is configured with four training stations:

  • High pulley 1 for pulldowns with seat attachment & knee guard
  • Adjustable height pulley 2
  • Low pulley 3 with bench attachment and footrests
  • Adjustable height pulley 4


Since our cable jungles are so popular, we configured a section on as part of our MJ8 or Multi-Jungle machine from Life Fitness with 8 total training stations.

This side has a slightly different configurations from the cable jungle on the opposite side. It includes an assisted pull-up station that features two step heights and braking bar so you can control your range of motion based upon your height and amount of weight you are lifting.

We also offer a fantastic assortment of grips, handles and bars that can be attached to all of our pulley systems. And with that kind of flexibility you can exercise almost any part of your body on these highly versatile cable jungles at BIM Fitness. 

  • High pulley 1 for pulldowns with seat attachment & knee guard
  • Adjustable height pulley 2
  • Low pulley 3 with bench attachment and footrests
  • Assisted pull-up machine

cable crossover

Fewer stations, but perhaps a more defined focus, is our Cable Crossover from Legend Fitness. It features two adjustable height pulleys with cables on opposite sides and is ideal for a variety of ground-based upper body exercises.

The cable crossover comes standard with two 150-pound weight stacks, but it’s important to note that due to an additional pulley between the front pulley and the weight stack, you get a 2:1 weight reduction. That means 150 pounds will feel more like 75 pounds.

It also features an Offset Multi Grip Pull-Up Bar that’s located in the top of the crossmember. This bodyweight station has three different grip positions and a handy anchor point for bands or suspension systems.

smith machines

What exactly is a Smith machine ? And why did Mr. Smith invent it in the first place? Let’s briefly start with the history of the machine, which will help better define its purpose.

The idea for the machine came from famous fitness legend Jack Lallane in the 1950’s as he was searching for a way to lift heavy free weights without needing a spotter. He conceived the idea of using a barbell inside a vertical frame with slots every few inches that the barbell can slide into. He shared his sketches with a fellow body builder Rudy Smith who turned it into the first prototype and used it in his home gym and it spread from there. The equipment became so popular, even Arnold Schwarzenegger used it in his workouts.

The Smith Machine is plate-loaded and essentially allows you to move the barbell, along with whatever weight you put on it, to move up and down. The barbell in turn remains connected at all times to two rods that are part of the frame and the frame has numerous slots or “pegs” or “wedges” as they are sometimes called.

Thus, the biggest feature is safety, in that once you lift the barbell, you can easily offload your weight at whatever height is convenient for you, allowing you lift potentially more weight and in an unassisted manner.

We have two Smith machines from Hammer Strength. They come with a 25-pound counter-balanced Olympic barbell on a 7-degree motion path to better mimic natural movement and feature a walk-through design with 13 bar racking positions.


Squat racks, half racks, full racks, the many names for basically the same thing can make it feel like you’re under a rack attack. To make things worse, when you look at a rack, it looks strangely similar to a Smith machine.

So what’s the difference?

Unlike a Smith machine, the barbell is not connected mechanically to the rack in any way. Furthermore, racks generally have fewer slots, typically only one where you pick up and set the weight down upon.

The end result, no assistance with the weight and more freedom of movement. Initially racks were most popular for doing squats, or military presses, but when used in combination with a bench, you can add in all types of seated or prone exercises.

Like Smith machines, racks are plate-loaded and like our Smith machines, our two racks are also made by Hammer Strength, one of the most trusted names in serious gyms throughout the world.

Check out the video below for an example of the strength in a Hammer Strength rack.